Find Serious Leads
Finding Serious Leads
Why Are Serious Leads So Hard To Find?
Hint: It’s Usually Your Methodology…
Not Your Recruiter
Think about it. Franchisee recruitment hasn’t fundamentally changed in over 25 years. It’s mockingly called “dialing for dollars”. But up to now franchise brands have had limited options to automate out the drudge work of franchisee recruiting.
We’ve lived this nightmare. That’s why we developed Pro Prospector to help in our own recruitment efforts. It’s the only solution available developed by franchisee recruiters, for franchisee recruiters. It automates much of franchisee recruiting drudgery and identifies serious franchisee leads for hard-working recruiters.
In fact, our own franchisee recruitment work over a decade, confirms that many franchisee recruiters still spend about 43% of their productive hours chasing bad leads. This must stop for results to improve.
Our methodology for finding serious leads involves getting good at three things: storytelling, lead generation programs and lead generation management. All three must harmonize to leverage those big budgets devoted to lead generation. If they don’t harmonize, you might as well try balancing on a one-legged stool.
So, to get a better result, change the methodology that grinds down talented recruiters. Talk to us about how.